Making the decision to downsize often takes several months, or longer, and involves a lot of work to dispose of personal belongings that have accumlated over the years. Downsizing to a smaller home means that the overwhelming majority of belongings have to given away, sold or trashed because they can't be moved. This can be a tedious chore. It can also be emotional, as people are forced to give up items that may have strong sentimental value. In my work with the 50plus market, I've seen people who find the preparations to downsize very difficult because it's difficult to dispose of belongings that reflect a lifetime of memories. This process is more challenging if the adults don't have any children around to help with the work. That's why there are a growing number of private businesses starting up to work with seniors and boomers who need help with downsizing. In addition to my real estate services, I will coordinate with other downsizing specialists to help prepare my client's home for sale, if these additional services are required and requested by my client.
Is a move in your plans for 2012? I work in the Ottawa area market and offer services to both sellers and buyers. If you're ready to make that move, contact me to arrange a free consultation to talk about your real estate plans and how I can help.
For More Information:
CMHC 2011 Canadian Housing Outlook
CMHC Housing Market Outlook-Ottawa
Ottawa Citizen Report on the Ottawa Housing Market, Dec 29,2011